Tuesday, July 24, 2012

By Invitation Only

While I was at the Crossfit Games I learned that there was a Teen Crossfit Competition. On a normal day that would have been great news. But it wasn’t, I was told that it was invitation only and there was no Steve’s Club kids invited.  It is very difficult for me to understand how any major Teen completion could not include Steve’s Club. When I think of CF kids, I think of two entities Brand X and Steve’s Club.  At first I was upset, but after some time I got over it. Not really I’m still pissed about it.  I don’t think it’s fair that kids be invited to a competition that’s being put on by an organization that preaches community. The adults had to earn their spot, so why not the kids too. I am building Champions and under no circumstances does a Champion get invited to become one. He/ She will earn it and is willing to show the world why they deserve to have the title.  How can I tell kid, if you work hard you will be rewarded for it. When what it  really takes is some BS politics and an invitation.  Com’on Son!

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