Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is a special day for a couple of reasons. First, it’s my birthday.  Second, it’s the official launch day of Kelly’s Champions. Most of you know how I have worked with at risk kids for some years now and Kelly’s Champions is the evolution of what I have grown to love.   I want to thank Matt and Pam Munson for their support.  Also I want to thank my family for never questioning my desire to be a part of this amazing program.
In order for me and others who also want to start their own club, it takes funds. On the 14th of May we will be hosting “Beat the Streets” which is a crossfit WOD/fundraiser that helps individuals like me, start local clubs. Please consider joining me for this special occasion or you can also donate online at
I’m hoping to see you at Crossfit Champions on May 14, 2011 Time: TBA. If you are an affiliate owner this WOD/Fundraiser can be done from your gym.  The suggested donation is $25.


  1. Kelly, I cant think of a better man to be able to do this. It take a heart to donate, but it takes heart, dedication and passion to donate time effort and energy into something as great as this. We are with you 100% and will support you to best of our abilities.

  2. I really appreciate your kind words and support. Once I receive more info, I will pass it on. Thanks again!
